What Readers Say…
Here’s what our Logical Tips readers have had to say about our tips…
I’m an avid reader of Logical Tips and have found a lot of helpful advice there.
– Terri, Sandpoint, ID
Logical Tips rates an 11 on the scale of 1-10 in my book!
– Donna Meier, Nine Mile Falls, WA
Homestead Canyon Echoes Gallery
I find many tips that help me become more computer literate. Thank you for writing. I know it takes valuable time, but for those of us who struggle with all the info it is a god send. Thanks for all you do to help me and others.
– Dolores, Coeur d’Alene, ID
You are such an angel! I know I keep telling you this, but it’s the truth. I followed your instructions today and got rid of the modem noise. Such a relief. You’ve got me out of so many dilemmas: customizing task bars, emptying temp folders, etc. Don’t know what I’d do without you. Keep up the good work.
– Helen, Sandpoint, ID
Thanks so much for “Windows Explorer Weirdness.” I was in utter frustration with the sort order of my Open File dialog box. It was the same exact problem you encountered. I would have never found how to change this back to alphabetical order without your tip.
– Lindall